Exquisite Crypt Series

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Exquisite Crypts

Creative games are an essential part of Post-NeoAbsurdist life. The Exquisite Crypt Series gathers and reproduces the results of Post-Neo games. Drawn from the PNA Archive and always published years after they were produced, each volume presents the results of a particular series of games or extended collaboration. Not only are they fun, whimsical, informal flights of fancy, they are also windows into the local communities or events in which they came to be.




#1: A Post-NeoAbsurdist Mausoleum of Exquisite Corpses
-by the Columbus, Ohio Post-NeoAbsurdist Community


Graphic and written Exquisite Corpses produced in the OhioPost-Neo community between A.Da. 86 and A.Da. 90. Collaborations by Aaron Andrews, Megan Blafas, Bradley Chriss, Krista Faist, dadaDavid Hartke, Holly Koskinen, Chris Lennard, Emilie Lennard, Olchar Lindsann, Emily Panzeri, Roland Silnachen, Nick Solsman, & Chris Tennant.

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24 pgs on folded 11”x17”. April, A.Da. 91.
$2.50 + 0.60 s/h    or trade Click HERE for free PDF


#2: The Epic of Loki

A single, epic exquisite corpse poem produced between March and December, A.Da. 91 (2007) as a relic of the interaction between three local Post-Neo communities during that period: begun during the Anglo-American Post-Neo reunion that Spring as representatives from the American wing traveled through London, Totnes, and Cardiff, then continued upon their return during a stage of intense development in the New Jersey group during a visit there from representatives of Washington Post-Neo. The closest one’s likely to find to a narrative exquisite corpse! (It’s still not that close.) Written by Olchar Lindsann, Warren Fry, David Beris Edwards, Eleanor Francis Waterfowl, Amy Oliver, Rhiannon Chaloner, Bradley Chriss, Megan Blafas, and Tomislav Butkovic. Edited by Warren Fry

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20 pgs. on folded 8.5″x11″. June, A.Da. 94. (2010 Anti-Vulgar)
$2.00 + 0.50 s/h or trade Click HERE for free PDF



#3: Typewritten Corpse
—by the Columbus, OH Post-NeoAbsurdist Community.

exquisite crypt 3 web photo

For about a year in 2003-04, a typewriter was permanently set up at the home of Post-Neo co-founders Olchar Lindsann and Aaron Andrews, and Jack Gregory. The collaborative poem that was in constant composition during this time is both a whimsical, extended visual poem and an irreverent social document of the Ohio Post-NeoAbsurdist community during the period of its most intense activity. Now in print for the first time, a decade after its completion (or abandonment). With anonymous contributions by by Aaron Andrews, Olchar Lindsann, Jack Gregory, Dadadavid Hartke, Imogene Engine, Bradley Chriss, Megan Blafas, bela b. Grimm, Josh Seyfried, Warren Fry, & Others.

16 pgs. on folded 11x17. June, A.Da. 98. (2014 Anti-Vulgar)
$1.75 + 1.00 s/h or trade.


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